What Makes A Man Different From A Mouse

(Alonso and Wilkins 2005; Tsirigos and Rigoutsos 2008; Hancock, Mallon et al. 2009; van der Kuyl, Cornelissen et al. 2010)

Regulatory networks

(Ferrigno, Virolle et al. 2001; Druker, Bruxner et al. 2004; Peaston, Evsikov et al. 2004; von Sternberg and Shapiro 2005; Sanges, Kalmar et al. 2006; Watanabe, Takeda et al. 2006; Horie, Saito et al. 2007; Liang and Li 2007; Odom, Dowell et al. 2007; Santangelo, de Souza et al. 2007; Sela, Mersch et al. 2007; Guan, Myers et al. 2008; L'Hote, Serres et al. 2008; Smith, Sanchez et al. 2008; Tam, Aravin et al. 2008; Benazet, Bischofberger et al. 2009; Visel, Rubin et al. 2009; Wang, Zhao et al. 2009; Jaeger, Chan et al. 2010; Ponicsan, Kugel et al. 2010)

Focusing on regulatory motifs overrepresented at specific locations within or near the promoter, we find that a surprisingly large number of cis-regulatory elements have been subject to coordinated genome-wide modifications during vertebrate evolution, such that the motif frequency changes on a single branch of vertebrate phylogeny. This was found to be the case even between closely related mammal species, with nearly a third of all location-specific consensus motifs exhibiting significant modifications within the human or mouse lineage since their divergence.(Yokoyama, Thorne et al. 2011)

Epigenetic regulation

(Barbot, Dupressoir et al. 2002; Schutt, Florl et al. 2003; Martens, O'Sullivan et al. 2005; Hajkova, Ancelin et al. 2008; Kalantry, Purushothaman et al. 2009; Soshnikova and Duboule 2009; Namekawa, Payer et al. 2010; Popp, Dean et al. 2010; Clerc and Avner 2011; Rebollo, Karimi et al. 2011)

Embryonic development

(McLaren and Michie 1958; Alonso and Wilkins 2005; Watanabe, Takeda et al. 2006; Odom, Dowell et al. 2007; Sekita, Wagatsuma et al. 2008; Tam, Aravin et al. 2008; Albert and Peters 2009; Benazet, Bischofberger et al. 2009; De Felici, Farini et al. 2009; Ahmed, Dehghani et al. 2010; Li, Zheng et al. 2010; Morris 2011)

Chromosome structure and genome architecture

(Waterston, Lindblad-Toh et al. 2002; Young, Friedman et al. 2002; Armengol, Pujana et al. 2003; Pevzner and Tesler 2003; Bourque, Pevzner et al. 2004; Kauppi, Jasin et al. 2007; Lunyak, Prefontaine et al. 2007; Sakai, Koyanagi et al. 2007; Sengupta, Camps et al. 2008; She, Cheng et al. 2008; Parvanov, Ng et al. 2009; Getun, Wu et al. 2010; Wang, Dong et al. 2010; Wu, Getun et al. 2010; Smagulova, Gregoretti et al. 2011)

Repetitive and mobile elements

(DeBerardinis, Goodier et al. 1998; Gilbert and Labuda 2000; Ferrigno, Virolle et al. 2001; Silva, Shabalina et al. 2003; Druker, Bruxner et al. 2004; Peaston, Evsikov et al. 2004; DeCerbo and Carmichael 2005; Jurka, Kohany et al. 2005; Krull, Brosius et al. 2005; von Sternberg and Shapiro 2005; Watanabe, Takeda et al. 2006; Horie, Saito et al. 2007; Lunyak, Prefontaine et al. 2007; Sakai, Koyanagi et al. 2007; Santangelo, de Souza et al. 2007; Sela, Mersch et al. 2007; Veniaminova, Vassetzky et al. 2007; Sasaki, Nishihara et al. 2008; Sekita, Wagatsuma et al. 2008; Smith, Sanchez et al. 2008; Tam, Aravin et al. 2008; Hutnick, Huang et al. 2010; Kozak 2010; Ponicsan, Kugel et al. 2010; Wang, Dong et al. 2010; Yan, Liu et al. 2010; Rebollo, Karimi et al. 2011)

Population biology and hybridization

(Schutt, Florl et al. 2003; L'Hote, Serres et al. 2008; Bimova, Macholan et al. 2011)




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