Distributed genome network innovations attributed to transposable DNA elements


Transposable DNA-Modified System(s)


18 Fungal Genomes

“Whole-Genome Architecture and Transcriptional Profiles”

(Castanera, Lopez-Varas et al. 2016)

Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

Responses to nitrate starvation and exposure to diatom-derived reactive aldehyde-induced stress

(Maumus, Allen et al. 2009; Oliver, Schofield et al. 2010)


Post-transcriptional regulation

(Bringaud, Muller et al. 2007)



Genome evolution

(Bennetzen and Wang 2014; Qiu and Köhler 2020)


Epigenetic Controls

(Lisch and Bennetzen 2011)


Stress Responses

(Negi, Rai et al. 2016; Hou, Lu et al. 2019)

Peaches, almonds

Evolutionary genome differences

(Alioto, Alexiou et al. 2020)


C4 photosynthesis

(Cao, Xu et al. 2016)


Abiotic Stress Response

(Makarevitch, Waters et al. 2015; Lv, Hu et al. 2019; Ramachandran, McKain et al. 2020)


Helitron transposons “reshuffle the transcriptome”

(Barbaglia, Klusman et al. 2012)


25% of DNAse1-hypersensitive sites (actively transcribed loci) evolved from mobile DNA inseertions

(Zhao, Zhang et al. 2018)


Fiber cell development

(Wang, Ai et al. 2016)



(Jouffroy, Saha et al. 2016)


Drought stress response

(Lopes, Jjingo et al. 2013)


Abiotic stress (phosphate limitation, high salt, freezing temperatures, arsenic toxicity)

(Joly-Lopez, Hoen et al. 2016; Joly-Lopez, Forczek et al. 2017)


Flower development

(Muino, de Bruijn et al. 2016; Baud, Wan et al. 2020)


Endosperm development (functionally comparable to mammalian placenta)

(Batista, Moreno-Romero et al. 2019; Qiu and Köhler 2020)


Transposable element interconnected gene networks

(Voronova, Rendón-Anaya et al. 2020)



Evolutionary innovation

(Piskurek and Jackson 2012; Nishihara 2020)


Malathion insecticide resistance

(Salces-Ortiz, Vargas-Chavez et al. 2020)


X chromosome dosage compensation

(Ellison and Bachtrog 2013; Ellison and Bachtrog 2019)


Early embryonic development

(Spirov, Zagriychuk et al. 2014)


Evolutionary innovation

(Warren, Naville et al. 2015; Etchegaray, Naville et al. 2021)


Body plan development

(Woolfe and Elgar 2008; McEwen, Goode et al. 2009)


p53 response network

(Micale, Loviglio et al. 2012)


Migratory behavior

(Carotti, Carducci et al. 2021)


TET-controlled passive DNA demethylation

(Mulholland, Nishiyama et al. 2020)


Estrogen receptor network

(Testori, Caizzi et al. 2012)


Uterine development, pregnancy

(Lynch, Leclerc et al. 2011; Lynch, Nnamani et al. 2015)


Placental development (species-specific elements in mouse and humans)

(Chuong 2013; Chuong and Feschotte 2013; Chuong, Rumi et al. 2013; Frank and Feschotte 2017; Sakurai, Nakagawa et al. 2017; Chuong 2018; Dunn-Fletcher, Muglia et al. 2018; Sun, Wolf et al. 2021; Zhang and Muglia 2021)


Convergent evolution of prolactin expression with different mobile DNA insertions

(Emera, Casola et al. 2012)


Mammary gland development

(Nishihara 2019)


X-inactivation in females

(Lyon 2000; Lyon 2003; Elisaphenko, Kolesnikov et al. 2008; Kannan, Chernikova et al. 2015)


Innate immunity

(Chuong, Elde et al. 2016; Chen, Wang et al. 2019; Srinivasachar Badarinarayan and Sauter 2021)


Wnt5a expression in mammalian secondary palate controlled by complex enhancer evolved from “coordinately co-opted” transposable elements

(Nishihara, Kobayashi et al. 2016)


Basic mammalian morphology and body plan development

(Hirakawa, Nishihara et al. 2009; Okada, Sasaki et al. 2010)


Brain and nervous system development

(Bejerano, Lowe et al. 2006; Santangelo, de Souza et al. 2007; Sasaki, Nishihara et al. 2008; McEwen, Goode et al. 2009; Tashiro, Teissier et al. 2011; Nakanishi, Kobayashi et al. 2012; Notwell, Chung et al. 2015; Lapp and Hunter 2016; Policarpi, Crepaldi et al. 2017; Ferrari, Grandi et al. 2021)

Eutherian mammals

Eutherian-specific morphology and neural development

(Polychronopoulos, King et al. 2017)

Eutherian mammals

“at least 16% of eutherian-specific CNEs overlap currently recognized transposable elements in human”

(Mikkelsen, Wakefield et al. 2007)

Bat Myotis velifer

Cell migration, gastrulation (weaker signals for Wnt signalling, artery and heart valve morphogenesis, neural crest differentiation)

(Cosby, Judd et al. 2021)


RNA polymerase PolII- or PolIII-specific insulator-bounded subnuclear domains

(Roman, Gonzalez-Rico et al. 2011; Roman, Gonzalez-Rico et al. 2011)


Circadian rhythms

(Cosby, Judd et al. 2021)


Mouse germline development and specificity

(Maezawa, Sakashita et al. 2020)


Visual cortex development

(Lennartsson, Arner et al. 2015)


Primate-specific innovations arose chiefly by positively selected mobile DNA element insertions

(Jacques, Jeyakani et al. 2013; Trizzino, Park et al. 2017; Rishishwar, Wang et al. 2018)


Brain and eye development

(del Rosario, Rayan et al. 2014)


Insulator-bound subnuclear domains

(Wang, Vicente-Garcia et al. 2015)


c-Myc regulatory subnetwork

(Wang, Bowen et al. 2009)


P53 response network

(Cui, Sirotin et al. 2011)


Germline development

(Liu and Eiden 2011; Sakashita, Maezawa et al. 2020)


Embryonic development

(Kunarso, Chia et al. 2010; Wang, Xie et al. 2014; Xiang and Liang 2021)


Stem cell pluripotency

(Santoni, Guerra et al. 2012; Lu, Sachs et al. 2014; Izsvak, Wang et al. 2016; Römer, Singh et al. 2017; Torres-Padilla 2020; Sexton, Tillett et al. 2021)


Zygotic genome activation and preimplantation embryonic development

(Grow, Flynn et al. 2015; Fu, Ma et al. 2019; Fu, Zhang et al. 2021)


Cell type- and tissue-specific expression

(Huda, Bowen et al. 2011; Huda, Tyagi et al. 2011; Jjingo, Huda et al. 2011)


Tissue-specific expression of regulatory long non-coding lncRNAs

(Chishima, Iwakiri et al. 2018)





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